POV: You’re in Endeavor’s Selection Process (Part I)

To say time is always at a premium for an entrepreneur, especially one leading a high-growth company, is a comic-level understatement. While the benefits of joining Endeavor are clear to 2,400+ entrepreneurs around the world, the thought of what it takes to get there can be daunting for those considering shooting their shot. How does an entrepreneur deep into scaling their company make the mindset shift from working less “in” their business to working ‘on” it? The Endeavor team spent time with selection candidates across the U.S. to hear about Endeavor’s formidable selection process from their point of view.
" The Endeavor search and selection methodology is a rigorous process that uncovers some of the most dynamic and talented entrepreneurs from around the world. The difficulty of the process is on par with any venture capital investment meeting."
Reid Hoffman, Co-Founder, Linkedin + Partner, Greylock
Endeavor Global Board Member
Entrepreneur: Andre Menezes, Co-Founder and CEO
Company: Next Gen Foods [TiNDLE]
Sector: Food Tech
Next Gen Foods is developing and commercializing delicious, innovative, and sustainable plant-based food brands. The company was founded by industry veterans Timo Recker and Andre Menezes, who decided to challenge the paradigm that great food must contain animal ingredients. Next Gen marries cutting-edge technology with its diversified network of specialists to create plant-based products that deliver tantalizing taste experiences, including TiNDLE, chicken made from plants, and Mwah!, creamy and indulgent dairy-inspired product. Next Gen is backed by a team with proven experience in alternative protein food technology, global brand development, and distribution scaleup. In just over three years, the company has developed and launched several products in nine countries, in both retail and food services.
How is Endeavor’s process different from other programs you’ve participated in?
I moved temporarily to Chicago to start our U.S. business and market penetration. Without any connections and without having ever done any business in the U.S., I appreciate the value of building a network that can help in broad or specific areas. I was looking at all the opportunities I could have to develop deeper and better connections with founders and like-minded people. Endeavor felt incredibly organic – the process did not feel like a process. It felt like a series of value-adding occasions and discussions in which different people were bringing their perspectives and connections, always seeking to support. Going through the process has given me the confidence that the network and connections I was seeking to build were also a need for other entrepreneurs. It was not about having interviews and questions, but about getting exposed and connected to a truly helpful network that added value throughout the process. If I were to tell an entrepreneur who is thinking of going through Endeavor’s selection process anything, I would say do not hesitate about the time commitment. During the process you will meet interesting people who will genuinely try to help you and stay connected regardless of the outcome.
"Endeavor felt incredibly organic – the process did not feel like a process. It was not about interviews and questions, but about getting exposed and connected to a truly helpful network that added value throughout."
Andre Menezes
Co-Founder + CEO, Next Gen Foods [TiNDLE]
Entrepreneurs: Edna Martinson and Clarence Tan, Co-Founders
Company: Boddle Learning
Sector: Edtech
Edna Martinson and Clarence Tan created Boddle Learning, a game-based learning platform in 2018, officially launching in late 2019. Since then, the AI-enabled gamified education platform has helped more than 3 million registered elementary-age students across the U.S. tackle learning gaps and improve math proficiency. Ugandan-born Martinson was recently recognized in the Forbes 2023 Education 30 Under 30 list for her work in providing equity in education.
Seeking and taking quality advice is one of an entrepreneur’s most valuable skills. Why did you join the Endeavor selection process?
We met Endeavor after we moved to Tulsa, OK. As we learned more about the community, it was evident that this was exactly the type of entrepreneurial community and ecosystem that we want to be a part of. What inspired us to join the selection process was the opportunity to meet incredible entrepreneurs who have been at the stage that we are in and hear their advice on how they navigated and scaled their companies.
The Endeavor process has been unique in that this is the first time we have engaged with a program that offers so much support even before we are selected. Every connection that we have made through Endeavor has been so valuable – we have learned so much.
"The Endeavor process has been unique in that this is the first time we have engaged with a program that offers so much support even before we are selected."
Edna Martinson
Co-Founder, Boddle Learning
Entrepreneur: Jon Strimling, CEO and Co-Founder
Company: CleanFiber
Sector: Climate Tech
CleanFiber is a rapidly growing Climate Tech business that makes high-performance building insulation from recycled corrugated cardboard. Its cellulose insulation is made through a patented process and has been proven at commercial scale. CleanFiber’s Co-Founder and CEO, Jonathan Strimling, has over 20 years of experience as an executive and entrepreneur. Prior to CleanFiber, Jon successfully launched WoodPellets.com and SharpSpring (NASDAQ: SHSP).
Time is always at a premium for an entrepreneur, but post-pandemic, how we spend our time feels more selective than ever. What makes this process worth the time?
Endeavor is a great organization with a well-connected network of advisors and participants. Finding time is always the biggest challenge, but it’s really the network that makes it worthwhile – the random connections that wind up proving valuable. Their heart is in the right place, and they really want to help you scale! The two-way ratings on every interaction ensure that these interactions are helpful in both directions. While the candidate is being evaluated, they are also given an opportunity to give feedback on the process and the helpfulness of the network, and that helps drive productive conversations in both directions.