How to Lead Your Team in Challenging Times

This content is provided by Elise Mitchell.

In times of challenge and uncertainty, it’s important for leaders to stay cool under pressure, make the right business decisions and help their teams navigate change.

But how exactly do you do that?

1: Calm and confident leadership
How to rise to the challenge, leading with courage and heart:
·       Defining moments of leadership
·       Maintain a growth mindset
·       Become a more resilient leader

2: Focused and productive team
How to help your team perform at a high level:
·       Create greater certainty in the midst of uncertainty
·       Tools and techniques for staying focused and productive
·       Build team bonds despite the distance

3: Taking care of business
How to meet the needs of each day with clarity and purpose:
·       Focus on helping your clients/customers win
·       Design a change roadmap for your business
·       Eight-step process for navigating change

4: Planning for the future
How to see potential in times of change:
·       Set the vision and strategy for what happens next
·       Think opportunistically
·       Drive innovation that can lead to new growth

Your leaders
We know what you’re going through. Both of us have survived business downturns and come out on the other side wiser, better leaders.  Know that we’ve got your back, and we’re here to help. You can expect us to bring all our business knowledge and experience to help you lead at your best.