Board Member Spotlight – Stephanie Copeland


Endeavor Colorado: Why did you decide to join the Endeavor network?

Stephanie: Over the past 20 years, Colorado has been my home. It’s important for me to contribute to the vibrancy that makes Colorado so special. Endeavor, with its invaluable support for scale-up companies, embodies the core opportunities available in Colorado. Being part of this is tremendously fun and rewarding.

Endeavor Colorado: Can you share some background information about yourself and explain what motivated you to become a Board Member?

Stephanie: I spent close to 30 years building a career in the telecom industry, mostly in companies that were disrupting the status quo and leveraging a changing landscape of technology and needs. The biggest lessons I learned came from the direct experience of taking an idea to implementation and eventually to profitable, valuable growth, which relies heavily on the ability to scale. Endeavor’s core focus on helping early-stage companies move from amazing and accepted ideas to global scale is not only exciting but also an area where I can add a tremendous amount of value.

Endeavor Colorado: Could you describe your current role at Four Points Funding and what it entails?

Stephanie: As the Managing Partner, I am responsible for the firm’s overall performance and commitments to investors. This involves both day-to-day operational management and long-term strategic decisions to deliver exceptional returns to investors.

Endeavor Colorado: What is one challenge and one opportunity you see for founders building their companies in Colorado?

Stephanie: Colorado is a relatively small market, which means attracting investment and customers can sometimes be more challenging. However, founders here benefit from an incredibly close-knit network that provides tremendous support and attention, which might be lost in larger markets.

Endeavor Colorado: Which industries do you see experiencing growth in Colorado at present, and which industries do you anticipate emerging over the next five years?

Stephanie: Colorado has diversified dramatically over the past 2-3 decades. Long gone are the days of the heaviest concentration in oil and gas and the telecom/cable industry. While these sectors remain, they have been surpassed by software technology companies, specifically in cyber and space technology. With the recent award of the Tech Innovation Hub focusing on quantum technology, I also expect to see increasing growth in this area.

Endeavor Colorado: Do you have any general advice to offer to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Stephanie: Know that you can’t do this alone. 

Endeavor Colorado: Apart from your professional commitments, how do you typically spend your free time?

Stephanie: I love running, biking, and skiing, as well as spending fun and hilarious times with my family.

Endeavor Colorado: (JOKE) Other than yourself, who is the smartest Endeavor Colorado Board Member?

Stephanie: There really is only one answer here……right?